Sunday, December 30, 2012

Poem for Sunday and Gaithersburg Winter Lights

Mass Effect
By Katy Lederer

Pushed together, pulled apart, we were purported
We developed as an organ, a benign and beating

We sought physicians for histology. Discovered spinal
Within the sacred bowl of life, our innards spilled in
   red array.

I wondered what you'd have to say if in your mouth
   you grew a tongue.
I wondered what I'd have to say if in my head I grew
   a mouth.

Instead we moved into a house, connected by a
A surgical removal could have cured us of our malady.

But seeking to remain benign, we discoursed through
How long could we have lived like this?

With our then-rudimentary eyes we saw shapes
   coming toward us:
amorphous and black, shedding tears. We had
   nothing to say.


Once again we awoke to snow, though the temperatures were above freezing so none of it stuck, though it came down quite hard at times. We had a quiet morning -- I had laundry to fold -- and went out after lunch, first to the library, then to World Market which was tragically out of British glass ornaments, then to get haircuts and stop at the food store.

Since the weather wasn't conducive to hiking, we decided to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was marketed like it was sort of a quirky high school comedy -- it was better acted and better written than I expected, but really quite sad. After dinner Adam's friend asked if he could come over and watch The Two Towers so that's what we have on now.

Here are some photos from Gaithersburg's Winter Lights show at Seneca Creek State Park:

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