Saturday, November 02, 2013

Poem for Saturday, The Begotten, Dia de los Muertos

Titulo Desconocido
By Tacho

Ya llega la Calavera
Bailando el carisisqui
Y viene para llevarse
A los que visitan Mixquic.

Death has arrived
dancing the carisisqui
she has come to take with her
the visitors of Mixquic.


We had a very nice family-oriented post-Halloween Friday. Daniel has been extremely busy and somewhat stressed, so since he had a midterm postponed next week, we asked if he wanted to come home for the weekend and he said sure, so we picked him up in College Park after lunch. Adam had no school due to teacher's meetings but he had a great school day anyway, as I answered a phone call from the county superintendent's office to tell me that one of his teachers had nominated a photo of Adam's for a new program created by the Comptroller of Maryland, and his photo had been chosen for a display in Annapolis -- the only one by a Montgomery County high school student.

I wrote a review of Deep Space Nine's "The Begotten", which is both sublime and ridiculous, and did a whole bunch of hard drive cleanup for photos that needed to be uploaded and sorted. We had dinner with both kids at my parents' -- I figured there was no point in starting a post-Halloween sugar detox until all the Almond Joys and York Peppermint Patties were gone -- then when we came home we decided that our kids had been James Bond-deprived and subjected them to The Spy Who Loved Me (Adam wanted to know why women supposedly go for Bond when he's a misogynistic jerk, so I am feeling pretty good about my parenting right now). A few more Halloween pics:

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