Monday, May 05, 2003

I have spent pretty much ALL DAY at the computer...

...and while I got all of my essential work done, and some of my work-I-have-to-get-done eventually done, I barely made a dent in my e-mail and I owe several people betas and I didn't get to go to my kids' Hebrew school fun fair or a soccer practice or birthday party, and that is Too Damn Long At The Computer.

I did read the paper, somewhat. Here's Edward Hirsch's 'Poet's Choice' on prose poems.

: You are the WORST possible influence. I love you.

And I liked this, gacked from ...

You Are: Sylvia Plath!Hermione
She counted everything. Every calorie. Every grade.
Every mistake. They all added up to something
and while she wasn't quite sure what, she wasnt
about to miss a number and lose the sum. Only
two things escaped this rule, because they
happened so often even she couldn't keep up. The
number of beats her heart gave and the number
of times she wondered if she could ever make it stop.
Which Writer!Harry Potter Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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