Monday, December 15, 2003

Poem for Monday

West and East
By Adonis (Ali Ahmed Said)

Something burrowed deep
into history's tunnel, something
ornamental, charged with explosives --
it held its baby poison
with petrol for a poisonous merchant
to sing into sleep.

A childlike East
implored, and hollered for help
to its invincible grand master, the West.
This map has been altered though:
the whole universe is on fire,
East and West but the ashes
gathered and moulded into a single grave.


My kids had a two-hour delayed school opening this morning so I am Royally Effing Behind. However, UPS arrived this morning with my last birthday present...Aragorn and Arwen!

Aragorn and Arwen, and yes, she has pointed ears.

A tiny corner of my Barbie collection.

My wonderful Barbie dealer, Sandi Holder, sent me a little Kelly ornament as a late birthday present because she knew the set had shipped out too late to arrive by my birthday. Am contemplating giving it to my neighbor's daughter whom I walk home from school every day along with my kids, since she's into Kelly whereas I'm strictly a Barbie and Ken girl.

Jack and Stephen -- the squirrels on my deck -- are back fooling around and frustrating the cats. They must like snow.

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