Saturday, April 24, 2004

It's Tomorrow Already

Another relatively uneventful day: wrote long-ass article on Viacom first quarter profits and various other bits for work, cleaned up some stuff, talked to some people I hadn't talked to in ages. Sons had loud friend over after school. Had plans to go over to parents for dinner tonight, mother called and said they wanted to bring in Chinese was that all right, we said great, then she called back and said, how would you all like to watch Master and Commander since we haven't seen it yet? On the big plasma screen on the living room wall with the fantastic stereo? Um, HELL YES!

So, for the first time since the last time I saw the movie in the theater, I have seen it as it was meant to be seen in all its glory! Every time I watch that movie I fall in love with a different expression of Jack's...this time it was the look on his face during the weevils scene, when usually I am watching Stephen's delicious intense concentration, and am not fully focused on Jack's impish suppressed grin. Stephen obviously knows that he's going to be sorry if he answers the question, but he plays along anyway because it's Jack, which I love too...

Meme via : If you have a domain, what is it and why did you name it what you did? Mine's, named for The Little Review, Margaret Anderson's groundbreaking journal of arts and letters, founded in Chicago in 1914. I wrote an undergraduate thesis on Anderson.

Every once in awhile, someone makes me suffer unexpected Death by Orlando Bloom. This time it's . It's funny -- I don't tend to suffer death by Sean Bean because I always expect him to be knee-weakeningly gorgeous, but I don't think of myself as all that attracted to Orlando so when I am, it hits me much harder.

I got a Final Score of 68.35 BUT! The quiz took off 30 fucking percent because it said I was from the Yuppie generation! When I went back and claimed to be pre-Just Say No rather than Pre-Woodstock -- since GenXers (which I really am, am too young to be Yuppie despite having been born less than three years before Woodstock) get neither bonus points nor detracted points -- my raw score was 90.5! And that is a FUCKING A!

I did miss some really embarrassing ones like reversing these refrigerators and microwave ovens in "Money for Nothing" and I completely missed the line from Heart's "These Dreams" even though I love the song, just didn't pick up on the lyrics. And on "red, red" I went immediately to Peter Gabriel and "rain" rather than the very obvious "wine"! And yet the Tina Turner songs were a cinch for me and earned bigger points, as did Bryan Adams and Flashdance.

...I've just dated myself, haven't I. Anyway, I saw it in 's journal and got five points for telling the quiz that I found it on LiveJournal, so it gave me a 95.5 with the bonus, without the unfair deduction.

Some of the Hyde Park Parrots, whom I was talking about yesterday with someone in the course of discussing life in Chicago...I miss the lake, I miss the birds, I miss Olmsted Park. And I miss my friends. It's never been the same since we left.

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