Saturday, September 22, 2012

Poem for Saturday, Brookside Butterflies, The Abandoned

My life has been the poem I would have writ
By Henry David Thoreau

My life has been the poem I would have writ
But I could not both live and utter it.


We had yet another gorgeous day, a bit warmer than the rest of the week has been. I spent the morning working on a review of Deep Space Nine's "The Abandoned"; then I went for a walk and took Adam to this week's cross country spaghetti dinner, after which the cross country team walked over to the high school for the end of the football game (which unfortunately the home team lost, but hey, at least the Orioles won today).

Paul and I did a bunch of unexciting chores before dinner (fake chicken parmesan), then after retrieving Adam we watched Black Swan...a movie which reminds me of all the reasons I really dislike classical ballet (I wish I could say "the movie was rife with cliches" but I'm afraid the eating disorders and self-mutilation are all to common, though Barbara Hershey really should have won an award for playing a special class of horror stage mother).

TheFridayFive: Mobile Phones
1. When did you get your first cell phone? Some time in the late 1990s.
2. Do you have any special ring tones, if so what are they? The opening to "Layla" is my ring tone. I don't have different ring tones for different people, as I don't get a lot of calls; it's different text chimes for different people that would be really helpful.
3. Does your phone have a camera? Of course.
4. What kind of phone do you have now? Droid Incredible 2.
5. What carrier do you use? Verizon -- not my favorite corporation but we get a discount through Paul's place of work.

Fannish5: Five canon pairings that could really benefit from couples therapy.
1. Operations and Madeline, La Femme Nikita.
2. Buffy and Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
3. Winn and Dukat, Deep Space Nine.
4. Jack and Sophie, Master & Commander.
5. Harry and Ginny, Harry Potter.

Brookside Gardens butterflies from the Wings of Fancy conservatory exhibit, plus one outside in the park:


Anonymous said...

Fantastic butterflies.
I really love the poem today. It is sort of where my head about it and blog or photograph it, or just start doing more. Including meeting more live human beings separate from our medical life. Or find a way to add a little more read world in at the same time. Nice job again.

littlereview said...

I've been blogging less and less over the years (it'll be ten years come October that I've blogged daily) but I love having the photos, even if they're just touristy rather than at all artistic, to remember places and things I've seen, since I am really not a very visual person. My DSLR stopped working today and I am really mourning it, as I can't afford to replace it now. I definitely think meeting more people is all to the good! Now that my kids are older I don't come across people as often the way I did when there were parent meetings etc.