Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Poem for Tuesday, Supergirl, McCrillis Azaleas

Spring Storm
By William Carlos Williams

The sky has given over
its bitterness.
Out of the dark change
all day long
rain falls and falls
as if it would never end.
Still the snow keeps
its hold on the ground.
But water, water
from a thousand runnels!
It collects swiftly,
dappled with black
cuts a way for itself
through green ice in the gutters.
Drop after drop it falls
from the withered grass-stems
of the overhanging embankment.


My Monday was fairly quiet, though I tried to get done everything I needed to do outdoors early because we had massive thunderstorms forecast for the afternoon (and indeed my county ended up with a tornado warning and hail, though it wasn't near my house). Not much of my day was more exciting than watching the trees blow around, though Katniss was extremely perturbed and ran all around the house meowing unhappily until the storm had passed.

I despised tonight's Supergirl -- I figured almost as soon as Ruby was introduced, before we knew anything about Sam, that she only existed to give Alex an insta-family which surely meant the mother was going to be gotten rid of, and we're moving predictably closer to that with lots of cliches. At least Elementary is back with actual superhero Joan Watson, though I hear this is likely its last season. From McCrillis Gardens on Sunday:

2018-05-13 15.25.08

2018-05-13 15.14.57

2018-05-13 15.13.39

2018-05-13 15.12.56

2018-05-13 15.18.25

2018-05-13 15.16.27

2018-05-13 15.09.19

2018-05-13 15.21.57

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