Sunday, November 10, 2024

Greetings from Woodinville

We had periods of rain on Saturday, but not enough to stop us from doing anything we wanted to do -- which included tormenting a cat with ear drops, cleaning the carrier from the vet trip, and going to Maltby Cafe to meet Chris for an awesome brunch. After we ate too much, we stopped at Running Wild Spirit across the parking lot and bought soap and candles, then we went to Brightwater to walk on the trails there in the drizzle and see the mallards, mergansers, and herons.

2024-11-09 14.06.18

2024-11-09 14.06.11

2024-11-09 14.25.15

2024-11-09 14.06.03

2024-11-09 13.45.42

2024-11-09 13.29.59

2024-11-09 13.42.53 

We stopped at Safeway on the way home and arrived in time for the Maryland-Oregon game, which was surprisingly competitive till the end of the third quarter, at which point the Ducks blew the Terps away. So we had dinner and watched the terrific Will & Harper, in which Ferrell goes on a road trip with his good friend Steele after she comes out as a trans woman, then Rachel Bloom's cathartic Death, Let Me Do My Special, which has some wild mood swings but is worth watching.

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