Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Poem for the Day

...deferred from yesterday in honor of our veterans...

Placata Venere
By Dante Gabriel Rossetti

At length their long kiss severed, with sweet smart:
  And as the last slow sudden drops are shed
  From sparkling eaves when all the storm has fled,
So singly flagged the pulses of each heart.
Their bosoms sundered, with the opening start
  Of married flowers to either side outspread
  From the knit stem; yet still their mouths, burnt red,
Fawned on each other where they lay apart.

Sleep sank them lower than the tide of dreams,
  And their dreams watched them sink, and slid away.
Slowly their souls swam up again, through gleams
  Of watered light and dull drowned waifs of day;
Till from some wonder of new woods and streams
  He woke, and wondered more: for there she lay.

Click here for Rossetti visual inspiration.

I know I said I was staying offline for the morning but I have just had SO much fun...

Dropped my kids off at school just before 9. Drove to Toys 'R Us, which had AOTC on sale for $9.99 for as long as they lasted. Since I was early, I sat in the car in the pouring rain for half an hour on the phone with my best friend, then got out when a line started to form and chatted with various SW fans and mothers who had been sent by their kids to get the DVD while the kids were in school. Got in when the store opened five minutes early, grabbed my DVD, paid for it and drove to Best Buy. Again, got there nearly half an hour before opening at 10. Stood in the garage chatting with a really good looking guy about DVDs (Farscape, Space: 1999, original Trek), was eventually joined by a woman who brought up Sharpe and Highlander (if one can have gaydar, can one also have slashdar?) Turns out the woman grew up around here and is just my age, so we even know people in common, though we didn't have time to compare notes before the store opened and we both spent half an hour agonizing over whether or not to get the bookends etc. Ended up deciding to save the $25 and spend it on The Making Of book. Swapped e-dresses, came home, am about to watch my DVDs. Have a big grin on my face...

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