Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Movie Night Baaaaa

The guess-my-line meme:
1. Pick one dozen movies that you have special feelings about.
2. Pick a few lines of dialogue.
3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.
4. If possible, after the film is guessed, explain why that movie made the list.

I decided arbitrarily not to include any Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, partly because everyone would get them immediately and partly because I couldn't decide which to choose.

1. From now on we are enemies, you and I. ()
2. It won't be a home-cooked meal, you know? ()
3. The nicest thing about being happy is that you think you'll never be unhappy again. ()
4. It costs extra to carve "shmuck" on a tombstone, but you would be worth the expense. ()
5. Everyone lies...but not all the time. ()
6. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. ()
7. This isn't my gun. I was never here.
8. In the end I distilled everything to one simple principle: win or die. ()
9. God, whose name I do not know, thank you for my life. I forgot how big... ()
10. Do you know how you got that dent in your top lip? Way back before you were born, I told you a secret. Then I put my finger there and said "Shhhhh!" ()
11. You're the one who stopped sleeping with me! It'll be a year come April 20th. I remember the date because it was Hitler's birthday. ()
12. There's no Messiah in here! There's a mess, all right, but no Messiah! ()

ETA: Am screening comments so that people who want to guess can guess untainted. *g* Shall mark off the ones already guessed correctly with the username of the person who guessed first!

ETA #2: Answers here.

And in unrelated entertainment news, October Project has uploaded a free download of an a cappella version of "Eyes of Mercy"! Voluntary donations will go to help tsunami victims.

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