Thursday, July 06, 2006

Poem for Thursday

There Were Three Jovial Huntsmen
By Mother Goose

There were three jovial huntsmen,
As I have heard them say,
And they would go a-hunting
All on a summer's day.

All the day they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But a ship a-sailing,
A-sailing with the wind.

One said it was a ship,
The other he said nay;
The third said it was a house
With the chimney blown away.

And all the night they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But the moon a-gliding,
A-gliding with the wind.

One said it was the moon,
The other he said nay;
The third said it was a cheese,
And half o't cut away.


Beware, as mostly griping ensues. Today I went to get labels printed for the Bar Mitzvah invitations, something I expected to take maybe an hour or two even if some great crisis arose like Staples being out of clear labels and Kinko's not having the right templates installed...ended up at Office Depot, after having lunch with and the kids out due to the lack of working cable all morning, and waited literally for hours for the guy to fix first the computer with the MSWord templates, then the machine capable of printing color onto labels, finally gave up to print them in black know, this is not worth reiterating. I cut my hand on the side of the plastic laundry basket somehow yesterday in the midst of the hundred thousand laundries, and it stings far more than it seems to me like it should, and I have two swollen lymph nodes on the back of my head right where my skull meets my neck and no idea whether there is a connection -- I don't think I have any infections and can't figure out what would be making my lymph nodes so painful right now. Can a two-and-a-half-week-old spider bite on my foot that appears to be scabbed over and healing cause the lymph nodes on my neck to go berserk?

Anyway, I'm not feeling well physically and have SO much to do -- I don't know how much is caused by stress and weird eating patterns. The cable was back tonight, thank all higher powers, but I didn't make a dent in mail, comments, etc. piled up from previous days and now I'm totally zotzed. Tomorrow mother is taking older son to be measured for a suit while I get all the invitations stamped and mailed, along with all the other mail I owe (yes, , I'm sending the Dawson's Creek, and mailing the penguin postcards I was supposed to mail while traveling)! Am trying not to be all spazzed and focus on things like how good the invitations look, but I feel...mostly just stressed.

A re-enactor at Fort Necessity, where 22-year-old George Washington lost an early battle of the French and Indian War.

Interactive exhibit on Colonel Washington and the soldiers of the war.

The covered wagon at what is now Mount Washington Tavern, but was a working inn on the road beneath which before it had that name.

Cannons at Fort Pitt outside the exhibit building.

The outline of Fort Duquesne in bricks where it stood in what is now the middle of Pittsburgh.

In the mood for these because we were watching The Revolution on The History Channel. I love stuff about Washington.

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