Thursday, January 04, 2007

Poem for Thursday

As Soon as Fred Gets Out of Bed
By Jack Prelutsky

As soon as Fred gets out of bed,
his underwear goes on his head.
His mother laughs, "Don't put it there,
a head's no place for underwear!"
But near his ears, above his brains,
is where Fred's underwear remains.

At night when Fred goes back to bed,
he deftly plucks it off his head.
His mother switches off the light
and softly croons, "Good night! Good night!"
And then, for reasons no one knows,
Fred's underwear goes on his toes.


I could post about assorted silliness that went on today, like picking up my son's violin teacher's daughter who had missed her bus so my son didn't miss part of his violin lesson, admitting to a friend who wanted to know why I hadn't really said anything about Gerald Ford that when I hear that name, I immediately think of Airplane (Lloyd Bridges: "Your husband is alive, but unconscious..." Stephen Stucker: "...just like Gerald Ford."). Or I could post a brief rant about Creation conventions' autograph policy (why yes, I did have to cover the London con for TrekToday) or a very long rant about why no one should ever order anything from through's marketplace, because they are supposed to have things in stock and ready to ship when listed there but they lie and no amount of complaining to itself will get gifts delivered in time for the holidays.

But I have just realized that I never did the last-year/next-year meme, so here it is instead! Sequel to this post last year...

Things that happened in 2006...
Zoo and aquarium trips. I posted my Barbie Tarot.
February: Winter Olympics. I played in my first RPG.
March: Doctor Who finally arrived on these shores. My father's hospital crisis.
April: Met Scott Bakula. Saw cherry blossoms, baseball and Winterthur.
May: Baby geese. Boats in Baltimore.
June: came to visit. We left on the Penguin Tour.
July: End of Penguin Tour. Trip to Bethany Beach.
August: Lots of Bar Mitzvah rehearsals. Mystic Aquarium trip.
September: Bar Mitzvah, chaos and aftermath.
October: The longest, most glorious, warm and colorful autumn I can remember.
November: Finally a US election went mostly right!
December: I turned the big 40.

Things I'm looking forward to in 2007...
Any second now I am going to get my sh*t together.
February: I would say we're going to my sister's for President's Day, but I have said that the past two years and both times she has had to cancel so I am hesitant.
March: My mother has a big birthday for which we are doing some big family event not yet determined. Also, my husband has a birthday that I reversed with my uncle's on this year's Shutterfly calendar because I suck.
April: England and Wales!
May: There will be baby geese again. Plus more Pirates of the Caribbean.
June: Older son finishes middle school and younger son finishes elementary school.
July: Order of the Phoenix in theaters, and, if we're lucky, Deathly Hallows in bookstores.
August: Going to the beach.
September: MD and PA Renaissance Faires.
October: I love fall, visiting local parks and historical sites and hiking in the mountains.
November: Maybe, if global warming trends reverse, it will snow.
December: My birthday, Chanukah, Christmas, New Year's Eve.

And you all know I like decorated animal statues like Baltimore's crabs, Rehoboth's dolphins and the various other ones I've posted so here are Wilmington's dinosaurs...mostly from the waterfront shopping plaza where we had lunch with one from the Museum of Natural History!

I see that Notre Dame is losing to LSU by a margin so enormous that there is no point in staying up for the end of the game, so I shall get to sleep at a reasonable hour!

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