Thursday, February 01, 2007

Poem for Thursday

A Quoi Bon Dire
By Charlotte Mew

Seventeen years ago you said
   Something that sounded like Good-bye;
   And everybody thinks that you are dead,
      But I.

   So I, as I grow stiff and cold
To this and that say Good-bye too;
   And everybody sees that I am old
      But you.

   And one fine morning in a sunny lane
Some boy and girl will meet and kiss and swear
   That nobody can love their way again
      While over there
You will have smiled, I shall have tossed your hair.


Had another relatively quiet day, though I was wide awake very early for reasons I don't's not like the night before last when I had a very weird dream about a friend from California working on a movie and wanting to write a tell-all book about cast indiscretions! I actually have no idea where the morning went...well, twenty minutes on the phone with T-Mobile, changing my plan so that I can make phone calls and get text messages while I'm in Europe, and nearly two hours on the phone with catching up on random things like traveling Pre-Raphaelite art exhibitions and whether the historical education from Rome makes up for letting our kids see that much violence and nasty sexuality.

Son had violin and teacher again started ten minutes late because she was working with her high school prodigy who is playing The Four Seasons...I don't know whether or what to say to her when this happens, because son really likes her, but she's quite expensive and on the one hand she has a waiting list of students, so it's not like I want to antagonize her in the least but I want him to get his full lessons. Spent the evening watching The English Patient, which was on one of the Encore channels...this is one of the movies I missed on the big screen on account of having an infant, only on cable, and I would love to catch it in an art house screening sometime. It's odd to me that Juliette Binoche got the supporting actress awards and Kristin Scott Thomas got the main actress honors, because I find both Binoche's character and her performance much more memorable...not the fantasy girlfriend who didn't want to die in the desert but the woman suffering all the pain of the war. I like the present-tense story so much better than the past-tense one.

I wasn't making it up about the soup, really! Mmm...tastes like cock!

Never got any specific work assigned so I wrote a gratuitous article on Salome Jens, because until I read this new interview with her, I had no idea she had starred in the premiere of After the Fall (the Arthur Miller play based loosely on his marriage to Marilyn Monroe) or exactly how extensive her Broadway career had been, and she was probably too minor a recurring DS9 character to warrant a full article on TrekToday, but it was so much more interesting than "Minor celebrity drops name in attempt to get cast in Star Trek XI." And from , a silly underwear meme (somewhat accurate, I don't care about impressing anyone but I don't think of myself as particularly innocent!):

What Your Underwear Says About You

You like to think of yourself as innocent, even though you're not!
You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.

Was sad to read about Molly Ivins' death. She was still relatively young and her voice will be sorely missed. And to everyone who thought I should blow off my kids to go see Daniel Radcliffe naked in London: if I had any intention of blowing off my kids for adult theatre, it would be to see Jason Isaacs, you silly people! I'd rather see The Dumb Waiter than Equus anyway!

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