Friday, October 19, 2007


  • 09:44 Having trouble waking up. Post-Imitrex euphoria. #
  • 14:22 Very happy with my Chalice Well ring that I just got in the mail from the Black Cat Closet. Wish I could go back to Glastonbury right now. #
  • 16:34 Listening to younger son and two friends play loud games. Fortunately older son is at a friend's house. #
  • 18:11 Recording 'Flushed Away' and contemplating cleaning off the dining room table. #
  • 21:20 Older son is sending me messages about how he is 1337 and stuff. Am too old to learn Netspeak 2.0. Also, am SO SICK of covering Trek news! #
  • 22:42 Trying to write a coherent review of "Elementary, Dear Data" while everyone in the room is talking. #
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