Monday, October 22, 2007


  • 01:16 @mrkinch I love klezmer too, and I love rice pudding (which is Jewish enough as my parents eat it!) #
  • 01:17 Being completely fed up with idiots whining that I hurt their feelings for refusing to listen to their spiteful, hurtful sniping at others. #
  • 09:20 Awake, due to a kitten sitting on my head and purring at a quarter to six. #
  • 14:01 Frederick Festival of the Farm. Just at Lilypons among fish and flowers. #
  • 16:51 Have been to Stunkels, Kiparoo, Chestnut Hill and Brookfield. Have pumpkins and have seen lots of sheep and cows! #
  • 17:23 Getting cat litter. Redskins won but not by much. #
  • 22:37 'Brotherhood' -- Tommy and Michael's women going Thelma and Louise. This is absurdly hot. #
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