Thursday, December 13, 2007

Poem for Thursday

You Bring Me Back
By Patti Tana

You bring me back
with a smell
a shape
to my early pleasure.
Deep in the night
I climb the high
chair of your lap
and rest in sure
familiar dreams.

When I turn, you turn
and I become host
to your sleeping
body, your naked body.
Kneading the flesh
aligning the bones
till morning arouses
a shape, a smell
and we turn to each other
in familiar pleasure.


I got up early to send Adam off to outdoor education, along with his best friend whose mother has two babies in the house and didn't think she could juggle the babies, the duffel bag and the sleeping bag. When I did outdoor ed in sixth grade, it was called science camp and was the culmination of elementary school; my kids go at the start of middle school, so it's a much bigger group whom they know half as well. Adam has never been to overnight camp, only single-night retreat-type things, so he was a bit nervous, but looking forward to it too -- Daniel went his third week of middle school knowing practically nobody and had a great time. They do a lot of outdoor stuff and although it was 60 degrees this morning, it's supposed to drop off so much tonight that the county sent out a winter weather advisory for the morning rush hour in case the rain freezes on the roadways. The kids are up in the mountains near the Pennsylvania border and I hope they're not freezing!

Since we didn't on my birthday, I went out to lunch with Paul (Minerva, the awesome Indian restaurant), then stopped at Best Buy to pick up December Boys in case should happen to drop by on Thursday or something. *whistles* Then I stopped at the mall to look for a couple of presents and came home to do some organizing -- had to put the new art books out of reach of claws that occasionally decide to use something other than the scratching post for scratching. I had a pounding headache, the beginning of a migraine, so it did not surprise me when I got the county's weather warning even though in the morning they were still saying it would be clear till the weekend. It's better now...had chicken soup for dinner after huge lunch and stayed away from holiday cookies for the most part. *g*

Birthday card from my husband:

I was so excited to discover that Pushing Daisies had another new episode -- I thought they had aired all the ones they had filmed! From the Play-Doh opening, I loved all of this one, especially the ending which makes so many things make more sense! Spoilers: Of course Lily is Charlotte's mother...that makes so much more sense of her behavior concerning Chuck all along. And Pee Wee Herman, excuse me, Paul Reubens didn't turn out to be a Perfume psycho as I feared, just an ordinary nut who can smell death. I love how in the flashback scenes, everyone drives cars from the '50s, and the snowflakes are clearly paper...Ned's rose-colored memories even when they're unhappy ones.

And Olive's pyjamas matching her bedspread and her wallpaper, and Chuck's perfectly matched ensemble as Ned worries about her out in the cold, cold world, and again so many lines..."It was hard for Olive Snook to close the door on the piemaker's breaking heart." "The mermaids are back in the water?" "Then you slipped in your word-vomit and fell on your head and now you're covered in word-vomit!" And the exchange with frozen Victor, "So there is such a thing as a snowball's chance in hell?" "You're not in hell." Then Emerson claiming they're angels of justice and Victor saying that he is in hell. And Ned telling Emerson that Emerson doesn't need him to talk to the living, and Emerson saying, "Dead girl don't need you either...which is why she ain't here!"

The dialogue between Ned and Chuck is always snappy but it's so sad when she can't look at him the way he couldn't look at her after her dad died, and "it wasn't the fickle finger of fate -- it was your finger" and needing to hate him for a little while. And really, I loved the dying boy's bitterness, which was so much more real than the angelic resigned children who show up so often on TV, and the desperate avenging angel from the Make a Wish Foundation and the so perfect you could word-vomit ending. ("Bobo the bonobo monkey had a wish of its play with the ball on a stick." Hee!) I so, so, so want this show back next season and will send daisies or pies or whatever is necessary to ABC to make it so.

Okay, and after Pushing Daisies, I did a terrible thing. I, um, watched Braveheart on cable. Enough said about that. (Look, I'd never seen it and I was curious and the cast outside the lead is excellent and, okay, fine, tell me I suck because I deserve it...I, who will not watch Sean Connery movies because he makes me sick.) I shall just declare this Guilty Pleasure Film Week and watch Daniel Radcliffe lose his virginity as the least of my evils so far!

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