Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Poem for Wednesday

Terza Rima
By Richard Wilbur

In this great form, as Dante proved in Hell,
There is no dreadful thing that can’t be said
In passing. Here, for instance, one could tell

How our jeep skidded sideways toward the dead
Enemy soldier with the staring eyes,
Bumping a little as it struck his head,

And then flew on, as if toward Paradise.


From this week's New Yorker. Wow.

I had a quiet morning working on holiday cards and packages while trying to figure out if my computer had a virus; Firefox kept giving me a pop-up saying I did, so I ran the adware and virus scans, which took hours, and ultimately came out clean! I left midway through for lunch with Gblvr at Tara Thai, where we ate yummy food and talked fandom and insane relatives. In the late afternoon I took a final set of photos of younger son's decaying apples for his science project and to Hebrew school, and then I intended to fold laundry but I got distracted trying out some registry tweaks on my phone so I guess that's getting done on Tuesday. Plus Perkypaduan sent me these links to fake genre book covers that left me howling hysterically. Here, have some National Zoo poison dart and mossy frogs:

We were planning to watch The Sarah Jane Adventures and Merlin, but by the time the kids were done showering, practicing, etc., it was already late, so instead we all read for a while, then Paul and I put on Brotherhood. The show hasn't officially been dropped for next season, but the Boston Herald has been reporting that it isn't coming back based on what insiders say, and I'm thinking the producers probably knew this early enough to end it with a bang -- not the good kind. I figure one of two things is going to happen: Colin is going to kill Michael, having figured out that no one is going to punish or prosecute him -- the mob will cheer and the feds will ignore -- so he can end up with Kath, or else the feds are going to show Michael the photos of Colin kissing Kath so that Michael will kill them both, thus giving them an excuse to put him away for good. As for the women, I'm betting that Cassie ends up taking Declan back when he comes to his senses and apologizes, but who knows what will happen with Eileen, Rose and Mary Rose -- I like the women much better than the men but they're almost determined not to have any agency, which depresses me.

However, there is some good news: The Hollywood Reporter says that Rome might return as a movie, which would please me, though I guess Polly Walker won't be in it since Sci-Fi greenlit Caprica. But I don't know if I'll want to watch it! Someone rec something British to me!

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