Thursday, February 04, 2010

Poem for Thursday and More Snow

Chinoiseries: Falling Snow
By Amy Lowell

The snow whispers about me,
And my wooden clogs
Leave holes behind me in the snow.
But no one will pass this way
Seeking my footsteps
And when the temple bell rings again
They will be covered and gone.


Guess what? It snowed again! And my kids had no school, since half of the four inches that fell overnight arrived during the hours when the superintendent had to make a decision about whether to close the schools or merely delay them. It might not be such a big deal that they missed another entire day except that they'll have to add days to the school year if they miss much more school, and we have a huge storm predicted for Friday-Saturday -- the weather service alert says 12-20 inches! Naturally, the kids were not sorry; older son slept till nearly noon, younger son went out to play in the snow and ended up at a friend's house from lunchtime till dinnertime.

By then the streets were clear, and Paul, who had worked at home doing phone conferences all morning and computer stuff all afternoon, took them to Cici's Pizza while I went to meet Gblvr at Tara Thai, where I had the fabulous seafood panang curry. Then we went to Bath & Body Works, which has a delightful new sandalwood fig aromatherapy scent, though I had gone to buy wonderful Twilight Woods shower cream while I had a two-for-one coupon. And then we went to Target to grab a couple of little things and I don't know how that dress got into my cart, honest.

1 comment:

  1. I did not see Amy Lowell listed among your interests, so perhaps this post isn't for you. I'm writing a biography of her for the National Endowment for the Arts, and I'm interested in hearing from Amy Lowell readers. I also have a collection of essays just published, "Amy Lowell Among Her Contemporaries," available at,, and
