Thursday, April 15, 2010

Poem for Thursday and Longwood Gardens

By Carolyn M. Rodgers

I've had tangled feelings lately
About ev'rything
Bout writing poetry, and otha forms
Bout talkin and dreamin with a
Special man (who says he needs me)
Uh huh
And my mouth has been open
Most of the time but
I ain't been saying nothin but
Thinking about ev'rything
And the partial pain has been
How do I put my self on paper
The way I want to be or am and be
Not like any one else in this
Black world but me


Another by Rodgers, who died a few days ago in Chicago, where she was born and raised. More of her poetry can be found in How I Got Ovah: New and Selected Poems.

Paul worked from home in the morning so we could go pick up his van when the compressor had finally been fixed. So after lunch, we drove together to the car repair place, and I drove home in my own van! Actually I didn't come straight home but stopped at World Market (which has discount UK Cadbury Easter eggs) and AC Moore (where I wanted to pick up a couple of inexpensive beads and ended up discovering knock-off Vera Bradley quilted handbags for $8, which can't compare to the originals in terms of the quality -- flimsy lining, no interior zip pockets -- but do a great job mimicking my favorite fabrics, including one in Pinwheel Pink colors. I also stuck my head in Filene's Basement but they didn't have anything very exciting, nor very inexpensive. Obviously I really needed to get out of the house!

In the evening, I got to have my long-delayed dinner with Gblvr, whom I met at the local mall. Of course, in addition to catching up on gossip about kids, work, etc., this meant more shopping. We started out toward Old Navy to look for tank tops and sweaters, but got sidetracked in Bath & Body Works (which was giving away free antibacterial minis) and Brighton (which has dragonfly necklaces and new panda bear charms). I did get my tank tops, two for $12, and my latest addiction, Greenberry frozen yogurt with walnuts and blackberries. When I got home, Paul had put on Thank God It's Friday which Turner Classics was showing for some ungodly reason. The comments from the kids were mostly "FAIL" and "MISERABLE FAILURE." So it must be accounted a good day! Here are some photos from Longwood Gardens last weekend:

Dementordelta said the one red tulip in the sea of fuschia must be the gay one.

Here she is with a snake ornament.

There are thousands of tulips currently in bloom at Longwood Gardens, some fancy...

...and some more typical, but the arrangements and the sheer volume make those pretty amazing too.

The numerous azaleas had only just started to bloom. They'll peak later in the month.

Many different colors of foxglove are in bloom right now.

Here is one of the birds in the topiary garden...

...and the Temple of Love (evidently an inspiration for Thomas Kinkade) by the lake.

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