Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Poem for Wednesday and Headless Horseman

Understand, Perceive
By Kabir
Translated by Rajender Krishan

Understand, perceive, O beloved mind
How can you slumber and be a Lover?
Having received then share it all
Or would you rather lose it possessing?
If crumbs be all that you have for fare
Does it matter if it is saltless or tasty?
When eyes are loaded with deep sleep
What is then the pillow and bedding?
Says Kabir, such is the path of Love.
Why lose heart having committed yourself?


I really have nothing worth reporting from my Tuesday, which was rainy and chilly and involved only a brief trip to a store in terms of exciting expeditions. LiveJournal was exploding with nastiness, which I thought was annoying until I got a reminder why fannish wank is easier to swallow than stuff you can't get away from when you turn off your computer. I got all the travel laundry washed and dried but not yet folded, which would not be a big deal except that we have to pack to go to Boston (where we still have no idea of anyone's schedule).

I don't have a lot to say about Glee except that I love Kurt's father much more than I love Kurt, and I love Mercedes on the weeks she's not written as a caricature but I know that in another week or two, she will be. At this point Quinn and Puck are nothing but caricatures so I can't even take them seriously, and I could never take Rachel seriously. It's nice that the musical directors grew up in the same era I did so we get to hear U2 and Mellencamp, and I stick with the show for lines like "I feel like that guy who lost all his hair then lost all his strength." "Samson?" "Agassi."

These are the graves of Washington Irving and some family members at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.

Here is the spot where the Headless Horseman Bridge described by Irving in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" once crossed the stream. This is a newer bridge...

...with a nearby statue to commemorate the story for which the town is famous. They have a big festival here at Halloween, since this is a cradle of American horror.

Here is the old Dutch church at the entrance to Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.

The bridge that crosses the stream in the cemetery looks much more the way I imagined the bridge in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

This is the grave of industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, who was born in Scotland, hence the Celtic cross marker.

And this is the mausoleum of William Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller, who started the refinery that became an asset of Standard Oil.

Here is the Civil War burial ground within the cemetery. (Yes, there is a hawk on the head of the memorial statue.)

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