Monday, August 09, 2010

Poem for Monday and Fine Art in Richmond

The Forest II: To Penshurst
By Ben Jonson

Thou art not, Penshurst, built to envious show
Of touch, or marble; nor canst boast a row
Of polish'd pillars, or a roof of gold:
Thou hast no lantern whereof tales are told;
Or stair, or courts; but stand'st an ancient pile,
And these grudg'd at, art reverenced the while.
Thou joy'st in better marks, of soil, of air,
Of wood, of water; therein thou art fair.
Thou hast thy walks for health, as well as sport:
Thy mount, to which thy Dryads do resort,
Where Pan and Bacchus their high feasts have made,
Beneath the broad beech, and the chestnut shade;
That taller tree, which of a nut was set,
At his great birth, where all the Muses met.
There, in the writhed bark, are cut the names
Of many a sylvan, taken with his flames;
And thence the ruddy satyrs oft provoke
The lighter fauns, to reach thy lady's oak.
Thy copse too, named of Gamage, thou hast there,
That never fails to serve thee season'd deer,
When thou wouldst feast or exercise thy friends.
The lower land, that to the river bends,
Thy sheep, thy bullocks, kine, and calves do feed;
The middle grounds thy mares and horses breed.
Each bank doth yield thee conies; and the tops
Fertile of wood, Ashore and Sydneys copp's,
To crown thy open table, doth provide
The purpled pheasant, with the speckled side:
The painted partridge lies in ev'ry field,
And for thy mess is willing to be kill'd.
And if the high-swoln Medway fail thy dish,
Thou hast thy ponds, that pay thee tribute fish,
Fat aged carps that run into thy net,
And pikes, now weary their own kind to eat,
As loth the second draught or cast to stay,
Officiously at first themselves betray.
Bright eels that emulate them, and leap on land,
Before the fisher, or into his hand,
Then hath thy orchard fruit, thy garden flowers,
Fresh as the air, and new as are the hours.
The early cherry, with the later plum,
Fig, grape, and quince, each in his time doth come:
The blushing apricot, and woolly peach
Hang on thy walls, that every child may reach.
And though thy walls be of the country stone,
They're rear'd with no man's ruin, no man's groan;
There's none, that dwell about them, wish them down;
But all come in, the farmer and the clown;
And no one empty-handed, to salute
Thy lord and lady, though they have no suit.
Some bring a capon, some a rural cake,
Some nuts, some apples; some that think they make
The better cheeses, bring them; or else send
By their ripe daughters, whom they would commend
This way to husbands; and whose baskets bear
An emblem of themselves in plum, or pear.
But what can this (more than express their love)
Add to thy free provisions, far above
The need of such? whose liberal board doth flow
With all that hospitality doth know!
Where comes no guest, but is allow'd to eat,
Without his fear, and of thy lord's own meat:
Where the same beer and bread, and self-same wine,
That is his lordship's, shall be also mine.
And I not fain to sit (as some this day,
At great men's tables) and yet dine away.
Here no man tells my cups; nor standing by,
A waiter, doth my gluttony envý:
But gives me what I call, and lets me eat,
He knows, below, he shall find plenty of meat;
Thy tables hoard not up for the next day,
Nor, when I take my lodging, need I pray
For fire, or lights, or livery; all is there;
As if thou then wert mine, or I reign'd here:
There's nothing I can wish, for which I stay.
That found King James, when hunting late, this way,
With his brave son, the prince; they saw thy fires
Shine bright on every hearth, as the desires
Of thy Penates had been set on flame,
To entertain them; or the country came,
With all their zeal, to warm their welcome here.
What (great, I will not say, but) sudden chear
Didst thou then make 'em! and what praise was heap'd
On thy good lady, then! who therein reap'd
The just reward of her high huswifry;
To have her linen, plate, and all things nigh,
When she was far; and not a room, but drest,
As if it had expected such a guest!
These, Penshurst, are thy praise, and yet not all.
Thy lady's noble, fruitful, chaste withal.
His children thy great lord may call his own;
A fortune, in this age, but rarely known.
They are, and have been taught religion; thence
Their gentler spirits have suck'd innocence.
Each morn, and even, they are taught to pray,
With the whole household, and may, every day,
Read in their virtuous parents' noble parts,
The mysteries of manners, arms, and arts.
Now, Penshurst, they that will proportion thee
With other edifices, when they see
Those proud ambitious heaps, and nothing else,
May say, their lords have built, but thy lord dwells.


We spent most of Sunday in Richmond with Dementordelta and Lin, having gone down to see the Tiffany exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It did not disappoint; in addition to dozens of vases, lamps, decorative pieces, sketches, and paintings, there were stained glass windows from several churches. The museum was recently renovated and has its own Art Nouveau wing with more Tiffany glass, plus a spectacular collection of brooches, buckles, furniture, and artwork. Annmarie came up from Fort Lee and met us for the exhibit, and we had lunch in the café in the museum (I had excellent goat cheese and pesto pizza).

In the afternoon we went to Agecroft Hall, a Tudor estate home that was transplanted to Richmond from Lancashire in the 1920s after being built by the Langley family and passed on to their descendants from the late 1400s. The house was reconstructed in Virginia by would-be-gentry socialites, but has since been refurnished with Tudor and Stuart furnishings and is now the summer home of the Shakespeare festival. The wood panels are all original to the house, there are three magnificent ornate beds, there's a reproduction kitchen, and after the house tour (given by the mother of someone Delta used to work with) we walked in the flower and herb gardens, where we saw toads, skinks, and many dragonflies.

Tiffany lamps from the permanent collection at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

No photos were permitted in the special Tiffany exhibit, which has many items on loan from France and elsewhere, but the museum has Tiffany's Magnolia and Apple Blossom Window installed in the Art Nouveau gallery.

Since we couldn't take photos inside the Tiffany exhibit, Adam took this one of Delta, Annmarie, myself, Paul, and Lin outside it.

The VMFA is famous for having the largest collection of imperial Faberge eggs outside of Russia. This is the Czarevich Easter Egg.

Agecroft Hall was the home of England's Langley and Dauntesey families before it fell into disrepair and was shipped across the Atlantic to become the home of a Richmond banker with a tobacco fortune.

Only parts of the house could be completely reconstructed due to the condition of the wood, but it is an authentic Tudor manor house, not a recreation.

No photos were permitted inside this house, either. Delta, Lin, and myself walked in the formal gardens...

...while my kids looked at frogs by one of the fountains.

We had dinner at Mexico, where we've eaten with Delta before, and I had way too many nachos and Enchiladas del Pueblo (potato, tomato and cheese enchiladas that were delicious). Traffic on I-95 returning home was terrible for some unknown reason (people returning from Virginia beaches maybe?) and it took us three hours to get there, but eventually we made it home to our starving cats!

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