Saturday, September 18, 2010

Poem for Yom Kippur and Renfaire Market

For Yom Kippur Morning
By Rashani

There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken,
A shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy
And a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength.
There is a hollow space too vast for words
Through which we pass with each loss,
Out of whose darkness we are sanctified into being.
There is a cry deeper than all sound whose serrated edges cut the heart
As we break open to the place inside which is unbreakable
And whole.


Most of my Friday involved writing a review of Star Trek: The Next Generation's "Inheritance", an episode I absolutely love until the final five minutes, when it gets so thoroughly ruined that I can't even remember the things I really loved about it when I think about the story. So the review is exceedingly negative, but I still think people should watch the episode, just turn it off before the end or assume the ending is alternate canon or something. I had to get chores, exercising, etc. done early because I knew we were going to my parents' early for dinner, since they were going to Kol Nidre services tonight. We're observing Yom Kippur more domestically, by which I mean not waiting in a packed entry hallway to be allowed into the sanctuary for the afternoon service and contemplating goddesses I could be worshipping in the woods.

We got an emergency phone call from Rose on the way home to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report reruns -- I figured the kids had to see them announcing their "competing" rallys and snarking at each other -- asking us if we could please babysit Peeper overnight because her cat is very sick with a respiratory infection and has to go back to the vet at the crack of dawn. So we are birdie-sitting this evening, which has the cats extremely irritated -- mostly because they are locked out of Adam's room, where the bird is currently sleeping with his cage covered by a sheet. Now we'll find out how noisy he really is when the sun comes up. Daniel wanted to watch Mel Brooks' History of the World, Part I, so we did, though the Rome sequence still drags on way too long and the French Revolution sequence seems really dated and not in a period-piece way...that film doesn't hold up nearly as well as High Anxiety, Young Frankenstein, and the utterly politically incorrect Blazing Saddles.

The Friday Five: Travel
1. What is your favorite mode of travel? (Car, train, plane, etc.)
I don't mind being on a plane but I dislike dealing with airports, delays, etc. I don't mind being in a car for long periods if someone else is doing the driving. I haven't taken a train since college.
2. Where is the northernmost place you've traveled? The southernmost? I'm not sure which is further north, Gretna Green or Calgary. I'm pretty sure Barbados is the farthest south.
3. What is the last place you visited for the first time? Carnegie Mellon's campus in Pittsburgh, I suppose.
4. Of all the places you've traveled, which is your favorite? I can't choose between Glastonbury in Somerset and Avebury in Wiltshire, with Plymouth in Devon a close second. Can I just say England?
5. Where would you most like to travel to next? Ireland. Newgrange, Tara, Dublin, the Burren, Giant's Causeway, Ring of Kerry, Cliffs of Moher, Carrowmore, Galway, Blarney, Glendalough...

Fannish5: Name the five best "cold open"/teasers (the scene of a TV show before the opening credits).
1. "Amok Time"
, Star Trek
2. "The Family of Blood", Doctor Who
3. "The Ides of March", Xena
4. "The Unnatural", The X-Files
5. "The Ladies' Man", Due South

Merlin the Wizard shows off a dragon puppet at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.

Handmade musical instruments including rainsticks, didgeridoos, and these painted drums are for sale in the marketplace.

Visitors approach the Pirate's Treasure Ship, which sells swords and other weapons, despite all the skeletons on display outside.

La Forge Armory makes swords and daggers on the premises.

The items produced at the glassblowing demonstrations are for sale.

I'm not sure whether people actually ate soup from bread bowls in Renaissance Britain -- Wiki says it was invented in the 1400s by an Irish noble to impress a British lord -- but they should have.

The pewter shop blows bubbles over the path and people visiting below.

And everyone needs pirate maps, nautical trinkets, and wooden swords. Arrrrr!

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