Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poem for Thursday and Mount Vernon Holidays

By Hart Crane

My hands have not touched pleasure since your hands, --
No, -- nor my lips freed laughter since 'farewell',
And with the day, distance again expands
Voiceless between us, as an uncoiled shell.

Yet, love endures, though starving and alone.
A dove's wings clung about my heart each night
With surging gentleness, and the blue stone
Set in the tryst-ring has but worn more bright.


After a two-hour delay in the morning that affected the entire family -- we got enough snow overnight for the public schools to open late, so I managed to run just as late, even though I wasn't going to school -- I spent most of Wednesday reading, working on a review, being incredibly pissed off at Sarah Palin, and conversing with various friends and relatives. Paul landed on Adam's Epic Fail list even more than my mother did by passing along an internet virus hoax by accidentally serving the turkey pasta to me and Adam while serving the veggie pasta to himself and Daniel, and we'd all taken a bite before he realized it; Adam is very upset, I am not happy, but it wasn't like he did it deliberately.

And in his favor, Paul discovered that The Importance of Being Earnest was on cable this evening, so of course we watched that. I haven't seen it since it first came out, and it was awesome. Also: Jon Stewart for the WIN talking about what Glenn Beck would say if Barack Obama and not George Bush had proposed No Child Left Behind, and Colbert for the HUGE WIN pointing out that Palin is the real victim in a shooting that killed half a dozen people she doesn't give a crap about. Here are some photos from visiting Mount Vernon during the Christmas season that I forgot to post in a timely manner, including the Christmas camel, the piglets, and some Christmas trees:

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