Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poem for Tuesday, Cherry Blossoms, Hunger Games

Mother Night
By James Weldon Johnson

Eternities before the first-born day,
Or ere the first sun fledged his wings of flame,
Calm Night, the everlasting and the same,
A brooding mother over chaos lay.
And whirling suns shall blaze and then decay,
Shall run their fiery courses and then claim
The haven of the darkness whence they came;
Back to Nirvanic peace shall grope their way.

So when my feeble sun of life burns out,
And sounded is the hour for my long sleep,
I shall, full weary of the feverish light,
Welcome the darkness without fear or doubt,
And heavy-lidded, I shall softly creep
Into the quiet bosom of the Night.


I had an early doctor appointment and spent most of the rest of the day reading The Hunger Games, which I am enjoying so much more than I was expecting; I did my M.A. thesis on feminist ideas of utopia and dystopia, so I've read a lot of great dystopian novels and it takes a lot to impress me, but I really like Katniss and I was fairly unspoiled so I was quite surprised how moving it was. I haven't finished it and I don't know anything about the sequels so please don't tell me spoilery things.

Harry's Law this evening wasn't particularly impressive and next week is the season finale -- it could be the series finale, it sounds like NBC hasn't made any decision -- I love Kathy Bates but she deserves both better cases and better supporting cast members. Have some more cherry blossoms:

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