Saturday, May 07, 2011

Poem for Saturday, National Zoo, The Lorelei Signal

This is the Dream
By Olav H. Hauge
Translated by Robert Bly and Robert Hedin

This is the dream we carry through the world
that something fantastic will happen
that it has to happen
that time will open by itself
that doors shall open by themselves
that the heart will find itself open
that mountain springs will jump up
that the dream will open by itself
that we one early morning
will slip into a harbor
that we have never known.


Thanks to Miss_M for the poem.

It was a lovely, cool, overcast Friday until the thunderstorms arrived at dinnertime, the kind of day to keep the windows open all day. I was working on a review of the animated Star Trek episode "The Lorelei Signal", which I try to remember as "the one where Uhura is in command" and not "the one with the man-killing bimbos." I took a break to walk in the woods surrounded by hyper birds and squirrels, who were apparently happy about the ground being wet.

We had dinner with my parents, watched Smallville -- I hate when Lois acts like an idiot even though this was clearly based on Idiot!Lois from Superman II, and she acted like an idiot twice, though it is possible that I am just bitter that last week is the final episode ever (have I mentioned in the past eight years that it was Smallville that brought me to LiveJournal?). Then we watched Camelot, which was much less violent than the past couple of weeks and would have been worth watching just to see Daragh O'Malley as Guinevere's father. I know I've been posting a lot of zoo photos, here are some from the National Zoo a couple of weeks ago:

A tiny frog in the Amazonia exhibit.

Goats in the farm region, which the zoo is planning to close.

This is the male anteater; his mate and newborn baby weren't outside because of the chilly weather the day we visited.

The three adult lions and two of the seven cubs at the zoo.

An Amazonian cardinal singing over the heads of visitors.

Two of the prairie dogs in the zoo's colony.

Brightly colored poison dart frogs in Amazonia.

The alligator enjoying the sun outside the Reptile House.

Fannish5: Five least satisfying conclusions (end of a tv series, movie, book - any media.)
I stuck with TV and book series because I tend to have much longer emotional investments than in any movie (unless we're counting the letdown of the later Star Wars films), but I do need to give an honorable mention to Thelma and Louise, because dead is dead -- not "escaped from the frame" or whatever postmodern bullshit people want to read into it.
1. Star Trek: Voyager. Admittedly I was already very disenchanted with a lot of things before the finale, but "Endgame" simultaneously encapsulated everything I hated about the last four seasons and enshrined in canon the single romantic pairing I don't think one person in the fandom wanted.
2. Xena: Warrior Princess. In which the writers first tell us that Xena will live again, then kill her off in this incarnation, apparently to be sure that her future relationship with Gabrielle will be heterosexual since she'll be in a male body.
3. La Femme Nikita. Those final nine episodes left such a bad taste in my mouth that it's hard for me to remember what I loved about it early on. We knew that Madeline could stop her own heart; the moment they made the decision not to bring her back, my interest was gone, too.
4. The X-Files. I'm not even sure where to start marking my disappointment -- it wasn't that I didn't like Doggett and Reyes, I did, but the show ceased to be recognizable not long after the first feature film, and by the finale, I didn't care what happened to anyone on the planet.
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I find a lot of the book to be a disappointment, but the epilogue turns the entire epic into a farce.

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