Saturday, July 02, 2011

Poem for Saturday, Riverbend Insects, The Time Trap

Not Without Anger
By Estill Pollock

Not without anger have I watched in silence
the stealthy throb of betrayal rise with a smile
to burn and divide the heart.

Never with malice have I sought
to uproot or undo in sleep
what allied hosts have assisted in upholding.

No longer aroused from neutral rest
by the innocent swell of unrivalled desires,
with vicious regret I bolt to meet and turn
the routing sear and polished thrust of seasoned arms,
seeking an enemy once hailed as friend.

Lured out of breath into a hostile lair,
I must bear and trust a cunning kiss, thrown from faithless lips,
though two masked faces mask a grudge and a wolf in the fold.

Blown out of truce into a grappling retreat,
wrenched to tears in an ambush of embraces,
I stand doubled in a double-crossed lull
until enemy and friend lie in the same blood.


From Pollock's web site.

We had a busy morning around here. Adam went off to play tennis with my father, then Daniel's new computer was delivered by FedEx and he started setting it up. While he was doing so, Paul's parents arrived to take the kids to Hanover with them for the weekend. Since Daniel was busy installing things, the rest of us went out to California Tortilla to pick up lunch, then came back home to eat it and make sure the kids were packed. Once the in-laws had taken off with the boys, I wrote a review of the animated Star Trek episode "The Time Trap" -- not one of the better ones, but the great thing about 20-minute episodes is that none of them go on too long, plus it has Kor and the Klingons, and an Orion woman in a position of power, which I appreciate.

When Paul came home, we went to Taste of Saigon for our anniversary and shared fabulous black pepper tofu and a spicy vegetarian curry dish. Then we walked around Rockville a bit and ended up at Ben & Jerry's, where of course we had to have sundaes. The ice cream shop is next to the multiplex but we weren't really dying to see any of the movies there, so we came home and ended up watching "The Warrior's Way," which I only noticed because Geoffrey Rush is in it and hadn't even realized was On Demand. It has many extremely enjoyable aspects -- Korean star Jang Dong-gun, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Orlando Bloom at times; hilarious dialogue by the narrator (played by Rush); lines like a character asking whose birthday it is on Christmas and being told, "Well, it's sort of a long story"; and Kate Bosworth, with an accent about on par with Rush's, playing a girl who reminds me in good ways of Buffy Summers and Claire Bennet. Plus we have amaretto!

Here are some of the butterflies and bees we saw at Riverbend Park last weekend:

Fannish5: Five best signs of affection from one character to another.
1. Spock smiling at Kirk
, particularly in "Amok Time" and Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
2. The women of Eastwick consistently putting one another's interests ahead of everything else.
3. Ray Vecchio putting his car at risk for Fraser.
4. Sarah Jane Smith letting Luke take K-9 to college with him.
5. Bertie's "Thank you, my friend" to Lionel after the king's speech.

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