Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Poem for Wednesday and Baltimore Museums

Another Word for It
By Mohan Rana
Translated by Bernard O'Donoghue

Different blues
in sky and waves.
The cloud hums a dream
of eyes open.
So what will this day be like,
this garment of moments?
The ball of thread
that knits time
taps the sleepy stones.

There may be a better way
to say this
some other day.


I did a bunch of running around on Tuesday, though not as much as Adam, who was at track from 8 to 11 a.m. or so, then playing tennis with my father, then out to lunch with Daniel and my parents, then at an art class at Glen Echo from 4-6 p.m. I only drove him for the latter, with traffic that was not as bad as I was expecting, though I've read that traffic in the DC area is light this week because so many people are on vacation. Still, I spent nearly two hours in the car shuttling him around, so I only finished one load of laundry and got very little work done.

We loved this week's Warehouse 13 so much that we decided we needed to order the first two seasons from and record this season; we're missing the season premiere because it's no longer On Demand, but we have all the rest of the new episodes and we rewatched three of them in the evening. Here are photos from Baltimore this weekend at the Maryland Science Center's Backyard Science Days and Geppi's Entertainment Museum:

Rob Mies showing off Malayan flying fox Peg at Bat Encounters during Backyard Science Days.

Adam got to model a boa constrictor.

A pair of iguanas enjoyed themselves.

Me and Dementordelta with two of the zucchini used to create vegetable cars to race.

Laser patterns from the Beatles laser show in the planetarium. ("Octopus's Garden" and "A Day in the Life" were my favorites.)

Geppi's had an exhibit of space toys mostly from the '50s and '60s, though they also had this toy space shuttle Challenger.

I swear the Due South producers must have looked at Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted.

The pirate ship Fearless terrorized the Inner Harbor in front of the National Aquarium.

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