Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Poem for Wednesday and Fight School

The Woman and the Flame
By Aimé Césaire

A bit of light that descends the springhead of a gaze
twin shadow of the eyelash and the rainbow on a face
and round about
who goes there angelically
Woman the current weather
the current weather matters little to me
my life is always ahead of a hurricane
you are the morning that swoops down on the lamp a night stone
   between its teeth
you are the passage of seabirds as well
you who are the wind through the salty ipomeas of consciousness
insinuating yourself from another world
you are a dragon whose lovely color is dispersed and darkens so
   as to constitute the
inevitable tenor of things
I am used to brush fires
I am used to ashen bush rats and the bronze ibis of the flame
Woman binder of the foresail gorgeous ghost
helmet of algae of eucalyptus
                                 dawn isn't it
                                 and in the abandon of the ribbands
                                 very savory swimmer


I spent a stupid amount of Tuesday restoring stuff on my phone and trying to come up with a system to make sure this never happens again for as long as I own it. (Still trying to decide whether online backup is worth the money; I hear that the iPhone backs up every time it's connected to iTunes, is that true?) The only upside to this was the discovery that there is now an Android version of the Goddess Tarot app -- one of my favorite decks by one of my favorite Tarot artists, and it's half price right now.

I did have a nice break from this frustration at lunchtime when I went out to lunch with Cybel, the mother of Adam's friend Daniel Wigle -- we went to Lebanese Taverna and did a bit of shopping (since some of the Vera Bradley bags in last fall's colors are also half price right now, plus we stopped to look at the Halloween stuff in the Hallmark store). In the evening we tried to watch baseball, but the games were getting postponed for rain all over the east coast. Here are some photos of Fight School from the sunny dry Renfaire on Sunday:

Hamish and Romero goad some courtiers at the Maryland Renaissance Festival.

The gentlemen of Fight School explain the rules...

...before demonstrating European sword development on the Market Stage.

The later show, Fight School: Reloaded, focuses on Asian weapons, pirate weapons, Vulcan weapons, and American guns...

...on the Globe Theatre stage, which gives them more room to run around.

It was 90 degrees and the performers were dripping with sweat.

That did not hinder the enjoyment of Daniel and his friend, however.

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