Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Poem for Wednesday and Illuminated Voids

Feed Me, Also, River God
By Marianne Moore

Lest by diminished vitality and abated
   vigilance, I become food for crocodiles—for that quicksand
   of gluttony which is legion. It is there close at hand—
      on either side
      of me. You remember the Israelites who said in pride

and stoutness of heart: "The bricks are fallen down, we will
   build with hewn stone, the sycamores are cut down, we will
   change to cedars"? I am not ambitious to dress stones, to
      renew forts, nor to match
      my value in action, against their ability to catch

up with arrested prosperity. I am not like
   them, indefatigable, but if you are a god, you will
   not discriminate against me. Yet—if you may fulfill
      none but prayers dressed
      as gifts in return for your gifts—disregard the request.


Most of my Tuesday involved laundry and other chores -- not even folded yet, just had to wash six loads -- with a break to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with Daniel, after making the discovery that his friend Warren, who has his own movie reviewing web site and is often quoted to us, had ranked it the top movie of the year. It remains excellent during a third viewing. Lest you think I'm all about Colin Firth, I should add that Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong have the scenes that haunt me most from the film.

And speaking of Cumberbatch, we watched Sherlock's "Hounds of Baskerville" after the newest episode of PBS's Egypt's Golden Empire which was about Ramses the Great. This was by far my favorite episode of Sherlock largely because there was only one female character of any note and she was neither a bimbo nor a total bitch, though I thought the horror movie structure was effectively done and for once I could enjoy everyone assuming Sherlock and John are a couple.

Here are some more photos from Chul Hyun Ahn's exhibit at C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore, Illuminated Void. In the second one you can see my reflection for scale and in the last one you can see the reflection of one work within the other:

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