Saturday, February 18, 2012

Poem for Saturday, Windshield Photos, 'Duet'

Matters About Which Unfortunately I Have No Brilliant Opinion to Offer Readers
By Sandra Santana
Translated by Forrest Gander

With the arrival of the night
some of his words, like the intermittent
flare [Here, I detected a point
of inflection provoked by the peculiar
nature of desire.

Which came to me
even faster than imagination
since it needs not move at all,
waiting hidden always
everywhere] of a cigarette,
called my attention to a luminous
moment before it faded away.


We had yet another 50+ degree winter day on Friday, so I walked in the woods when I was not working or writing to various legislators about their respective idiocy and brilliance. I am very glad to live on my side of the Potomac River, as the Virginia assembly has no respect whatsoever for women's lives or health, whereas the Maryland House of Delegates passed the gay marriage bill tonight, meaning that barring unexpected idiocy in the Senate next week, my state will shortly follow Washington in celebrating gay marriages since our governor has already promised to sign it (unlike the jerk in New Jersey).

Adam brought his girlfriend home and we dropped them off to go ice skating and eat dinner out before going to my parents' for dinner. I posted a review of Deep Space Nine's "Duet", possibly the finest hour of television that I have ever seen (certainly the finest of Star Trek). In the evening we watched this week's Nikita (still the most awesome women currently on TV), and for the past couple of hours we've been listening to classical music, hearing about son's ice skating adventures, and reading news. I forgot to crop photos till very late so here are a couple from driving home from New York the weekend before last:

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