Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Poem for Tuesday and Delaware Art Museum

By Sara Teasdale

It will not hurt me when I am old,
    A running tide where moonlight burned
        Will not sting me like silver snakes;
The years will make me sad and cold,
        It is the happy heart that breaks.

The heart asks more than life can give,
    When that is learned, then all is learned;
        The waves break fold on jewelled fold,
But beauty itself is fugitive,
        It will not hurt me when I am old.


I spent an awesome post-Oscars Monday with Dementordelta, beginning with Beginners, which we decided while watching the ceremony on Sunday that we should get on Amazon Instant Video, so we did. I have no idea how, say, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close got an Academy Award nod for best picture while Beginners did not; it's superlative on every level, and as good as Christopher Plummer is, I thought Ewan McGregor was just as good and the narrative and direction were really exceptional, quite different from most of what's out there (and while I wish the female characters were more fully developed or at least that we got more details about their backgrounds, the film shows them sympathetically without making them pushovers).

We went out to lunch at Uncle Julio's where I ate fourteen thousand tortilla chips, then we went to Charming Charlie's where Delta's sweater disappeared for a while but we found lovely super-cheap earrings and necklaces. Then we came back to my house, ate chocolate cake that Delta had brought, and watched the first two episodes of Lost Empires, with baby Colin Firth and aging Laurence Olivier. After Delta had to go home, I watched Smash while trying to catch up on two days' worth of e-mail but I am still hopelessly behind -- will try again tomorrow! Here are a few photos from the Delaware Museum of Art on Sunday:

"Witches' Tree" from Edward Burne-Jones' The Flower Book, in the temporary exhibit A Secret Book of Designs.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Water Willow from the permanent collection.

Howard Pyle's The Mermaid, which is on permanent exhibit in the museum...

...but is currently on display in an exhibit on Pyle and American illustrators.

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