Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Poem for Tuesday and Brookside Flowers

By Anne Spencer

He trekked into a far country,
My friend and I.
Our deeper content was never spoken,
But each knew all the other said.
He told me how calm his soul was laid
By the lack of anvil and strife.
"The wooing kestrel," I said, "mutes his mating-note
To please the harmony of this sweet silence."
And when at the day's end
We laid tired bodies 'gainst
The loose warm sands,
And the air fleeced its particles for a coverlet;
When star after star came out
To guard their lovers in oblivion —
My soul so leapt that my evening prayer
Stole my morning song!


My Monday was fairly quiet compared to my weekend, which was nice. I spent most of the morning working on a Shutterfly photo book, since I had a coupon for a free book that expired at midnight and photos of the DC cherry blossoms taken over the better part of a decade, and I love all the new cherry blossom borders and stickers that Shutterfly has. I spent lunchtime running out to the mall to exchange a gift. I spent most of the afternoon writing, with a brief break to look at the photos of Russell Crowe as Javert in Les Miserables that showed up all over the internet.

Adam came home on the late side because he was at tech; he brought his girlfriend with him and we all looked for his wallet, which he has somehow lost in the house (not in his suit, the laundry, his track jacket, his pillowcase, etc). I took a walk before dinner (scaring four deer eating in the woods right by the path) and chatted with my neighbors since it was such a gorgeous evening to be outdoors. Then we watched Once Upon a Time and Smash -- the former much more interesting this week than the latter. Here are some Brookside Gardens photos:

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