Sunday, April 29, 2012

Poem for Sunday and Legally Blonde

August Rain, After Haying
By Jane Kenyon

Through sere trees and beheaded
grasses the slow rain falls.
Hay fills the barn; only the rake
and one empty wagon are left
in the field. In the ditches
goldenrod bends to the ground.

Even at noon the house is dark.
In my room under the eaves
I hear the steady benevolence
of water washing dust
raised by the haying
from porch and car and garden
chair. We are shorn
and purified, as if tonsured.

The grass resolves to grow again,
receiving the rain to that end,
but my disordered soul thirsts
after something it cannot name.


Got home late so this will be a quickie. We had a nice day with Adam. After lunch we went to Brookside Gardens, hoping to see goslings. We did not, just adult geese, but two of them were engaged in an epic romance -- a goose followed us to the door in the deer fence, decided not to follow us through, then walked parallel to us the entire way around looking for a hole in the fence while a goose in the pond on our side was honking urgently until the other goose finally found a way through and they were united. We also saw frogs, turtles, swallows, and lots of robins.

After dinner we dropped Adam off at school to get ready for tech, then an hour later we went to see the school production of Legally Blonde. It is one of the silliest musicals I have ever seen, with dozens of clunker lyrics and no particularly memorable songs, but everyone in the cast could sing very well, the dance numbers were clever, and the tech was EXCELLENT *waves to Adam*. Here are a few photos, including son's friend Daniel as gay European pool boy Nikos. Adam is under the staircase in all photos that include it.

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