Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Poem for Wednesday and Gaithersburg Goslings

Marriage Song
By Tony Hoagland

God said (and already you can tell
I’m making this up),

Let this woman and this man
Be joined together

In front of the sea and the grass
And the trees who don’t care

He said, Let them make
A gate in themselves

Through which the other can pass
And may the gate never be closed

So they can feel the truth of being entered

And the loneliness of being
Imperfectly misunderstood —

Now go, God said,
Into the country of love

Change it with your experiments
Don’t be intimidated Enjoy your skin

Impress me
Make something grow

For your bravery merely in undertaking
This impossible task

I make you a special loan called Time
No, don’t bother to thank me now —

You can pay me back as you go


The sun came out on Tuesday and I even got to enjoy it. I had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen with , whom I hadn't seen in a month since she went to England over spring break -- she brought me tea in a Diamond Jubilee tin and a magazine with Colin Firth on the cover and an article about the Queen Mum inside -- then I took a walk around the lake at Washingtonian and discovered that, although I know they try to get rid of goose eggs so they don't have too many Canada geese pooping on the grass, they missed at least one, because there was one fluffy gosling being guarded by eight adults, including two of the white domestic geese raised in a Canada goose family several years ago.

I came home to take Adam to tennis, but he decided that he wanted to bike to tennis, so instead I took a walk around the neighborhood which is nice and green and looking summery after all the rain. Eventually Adam and Paul came home and we had dinner, then watched Glee, on which I liked the Whitney Houston music and every scene Santana was in and couldn't really have cared about anything else (I think Emma has replaced Rachel as my least favorite female on TV). Then we watched a Titanic special on Planet Green that we'd actually never seen before on what sank the ship (spoiler: water). Here are some more goslings from Lake Whetstone last weekend:


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Heavenly, joyous happy little family photos! Love it. gin

  2. Thank you! I think this must have been two combined families given the number of babies!

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    My husband just saw them and said he loves it because they all know their role. Great shots Michelle.
