Sunday, May 06, 2012

Placeholder for Sunday

I spent Saturday with most of my extended family, which would have been really nice had it not been under unhappy circumstances. We met Paul's parents at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival at the Howard County Fairgrounds, where we had a picnic while listening to Celtic music and went to see the goats, rabbits, alpacas, and many barns of sheep as well as the crafts being sold and produced at the festival. It was quite warm but there was a nice breeze and we saw many goslings waddling in the fields of the farms we passed on the way to the fairgrounds.

Then we came home, cleaned up and went to dinner at my cousins Stephanie and Gene's house with my parents, Nicole and two of her daughters, Uncle Mickey, and all my DC cousins, plus several longtime family friends. From there we all went to the retirement community where Aunt Shirley spent the last several years of her life for a memorial service. Many of my parents' friends were there as well as my aunt's friends and there were remembrances by Shirley's daughters and granddaughters, nieces and nephews, and one of the staff people who had taken care of my aunt, plus a slide show by Jane Levey of the photographs Shirley researched and curated. Here is her obituary.

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