Thursday, May 17, 2012

Placeholder for Thursday

I've been running around a lot of the day -- mostly good things, Adam had orthodontist while I was at the dentist (he's having wisdom teeth out in a few weeks, I need a crown on a tooth that got chipped), then he had tennis, then we rushed dinner to go to College Park with Daniel Wigle and retrieve Daniel, who had to move out of his dorm room within 24 hours after finishing his last final exam because the key card IDs are deactivated to get students to move along -- but as a result it's after 11 and I'm completely disorganized! I shall go be like Daisy and Cinnamon below -- more tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I know how you feel. Today is going to be a non-stop meeting...make that about four. I plan for a daisy day on Saturday! I posted a VERY short blog today as well, but now that I am in the habit of daily posting, I felt compelled. Loved the poem Wed.
    Good luck with that crown. gin

  2. I hope the meetings went well, at least! It's photos that are really hard for me on crazy days (today I took none and will have to use some from the weekend)!
