Sunday, May 20, 2012

Poem for Sunday, Glen Echo, Great Falls

Amy Check On My Square Inch of Land
By Farrah Field

You didn't win the Cyndi Lauper look-alike contest
at the skating rink. Pretending to understand

you're in therapy. How long do you spend
thinking about women's arms.

We were supposed to do it 23 times before we broke up.
To honor the day we met.

Suddenly everyone values
at home child care
now that men do it.

You want someone you don't have to care about
because you're in love with a dead man.

At the end of every summer you can't
remember the last time you wore pants.


We had a pretty quiet morning waiting for Adam to get home -- he'd slept over a friend's house, I actually did some work before lunch -- then we took him for his first day interning in the Photoworks section of Glen Echo Park's arts program. Since it was a gorgeous day, we took Daniel and left early to pick Adam up in the afternoon, walked around the wooded paths, and went to see the photos, glassworks, pottery, painting, and various other arts on display in the park.

Then we went up Macarthur Boulevard to Great Falls, where we saw the growing goslings, plus a pair of skinks, several herons, and many cormorants. We came home and had fake chicken and stuffing, then Adam went out for a run and the rest of us watched the first few episodes of Deep Space Nine's seventh season, which really does not have a bad episode.

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