Friday, June 15, 2012

Placeholder for Friday and con.txt Duckies

I am just back from visiting people at con.txt, the fan convention in Silver Spring; I had dinner with Delta and a friend at Eggspectation, then went to the hotel and hung out with Gblvr since this is the only day we could both be there (she has her son's graduation and I have Father's Day things to do). I have nothing much to report otherwise -- wrote the review of a DS9 episode I won't have time to do Friday since we are going to Sailabration -- so here are photos of some of the duckies given out to guests at con.txt:

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

In the Navy

Downton Abbey (a.k.a. Duckton Abbey, according to Tree)

Betsy Ross and Benjamin Franklin




  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Love George and Thomas the best! Nice little duckies. Have to check out this con.txt. Have a great weekend Michelle.

  2. My friend gave me her Thomas Jefferson duckie -- he is currently living between two hippie duckies from Oriental Trading Company near my computer. The convention is largely for serious fans -- yesterday the talk was 80% Avengers, 20% Sherlock. *g*
