Monday, June 04, 2012

Poem for Monday and Washington Folk Festival

The Constant Lovers

As I was a-walking down by the sea shore
Where the wind and the waves and the billows do roar
I heard a strange voice make a terrible sound
Like the wind and the waves that did echo around

Crying "Ohh.. my love is gone
He's the youth I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him no more"

She'd a voice like a nightingale, skin like a dove
And the song that she sang it was all about love
When I asked her to marry me, marry me please
But the answer she gave: "My love's drowned in the seas"

Crying "Ohh.. my love is gone
He's the youth I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him no more"

I told her I'd gold and I'd silver beside
On a coach and six horses with me she could ride
She said: "I'll never marry nor yet make a wife
I'll be constant and true hearted all the days I'll have life"

Crying "Ohh.. my love is gone
He's the youth I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him no more"

Then she threw out her arms wide and gave a great leap
From the cliffs that were high to the billows so deep
Crying: "The rocks of the ocean shall be make me a bed
And the shrimps of the sea shall swim over my head"

Crying "Ohh.. my love is gone
He's the youth I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him no more"

And now every night at six bells they appear
When the moon is high and the stars they are clear
These two constant lovers with each other's charms
Rolling over and over in each other's arms

Crying "Ohh.. my love is gone
He's the youth I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him no more"


We spent most of Sunday at the Washington Folk Festival listening to music and looking at crafts. Adam did not go with us, since he was working at Glen Echo yesterday and got to see the festival while he was there; instead he went to play tennis and have lunch with my father while we took Daniel to hear Ocean (the full orchestra with drums, base, and pipes), Lisa Moscatiello (who did a duet with Anita Burkham), and various other performers including a full parade of pipers, Morris dancers, and assorted minstrels in the picnic area. I bought a handmade tie-dye dress and locally made perfume oil in the craft show set up in the bumper car pavilion.

Pipers marched through Glen Echo Park to open the festivities for the second day of the Washington Folk Festival.

A performer at "Music for the 99 Percent" which included local protesters from labor unions and Occupy DC on the Potomac Palisades Stage.

Masks and wall hangings by Earth Spirits in the Bumper Car Pavilion craft show.

Burgers and hot dogs for sale in the picnic area. Sadly, the roasted almond truck was not there this year.

Jennifer Cutting, bandleader of Ocean Orchestra, in a hat she got at the Faerie Festival, playing a jig on her squeezebox on the Potomac Palisades Stage.

Steve Winick and Rico Petrucelli, also with Ocean, on a song Steve was singing in Middle English.

Lisa Moscatiello, at right, and her partner Anita Burkam on the Yurt Stage. Lisa was disappointed she didn't actually get to sing in a yurt.

There were some truly awesome and creative instruments being used both on stages and here in the picnic area.

In the late afternoon we came home, reunited with Adam, returned his girlfriend's bike to her (it had been here since the thunderstorm on Friday), and I took a walk during which I saw four bunnies (possibly a fifth, though that might have been one I'd seen by the road that hopped through a cul-de-sac into the woods). After dinner -- chocolate chip pancakes -- we watched A Good Woman, which reinforced my impression that I like Scarlett Johansson much better in films that call on her to act than films that call on her to show off her breasts; she's quite enjoyable in it, though the screenplay could be wittier considering that it's based on Oscar Wilde.

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