Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Poem for Wednesday and Sailabration Science

Ro Ro Ro, Say It Ain't So
By Nora Ephron

One of the things I love about Rosie
Is how she writes these blogs
And they're poetry

When I do this
It's not poetry.
When she does it,
It is.

even if i do it in lower-case letters
like Rosie
it's not poetry

Not that I know anything about poetry:

Last year I wrote a poem.
I tried to put it in my book.
My editor said, this isn't poetry.
That was the end of my poem.
Oh well.

Also Rosie writes haiku.

I am bad at haiku
I don't understand the form
Explain it to me:

Five seven five, right?
Five words or five syllables?
I just don't get it

Is this a haiku:
I feel sad about The View
Say it ain't so Ro

Or is it just a bunch of words?

I loved The View
I couldn't stop watching.
Must-See TV, thy name is The View.
You can see why my editor was adamant I cut the poem.

I even made my husband watch.
And he did. On the treadmill.
I said, trust me, it's riveting
It's a hockey game
There might be blood on the ice
You'll see.

He had to admit it was amazing
He wasn't just being nice
He meant it
Then he went back to watching the World Series of Poker.

Would Rosie go too far?
Would Barbara have a heart attack?
And how funny is Joy Behar?
Elizabeth was the only person I knew who was in favor of the war
Not that I knew her
But I watched her every day
and fought with her
Through Rosie.
It was exciting.

Last week on Wednesday there was a big fight.
On Thursday's episode,
Before we knew that Rosie was never coming back,
Kathy Griffin said this thing that I would like to quote, although not exactly:

She said, but it's the only show where women argue about politics
Or something like that.
And it's true.
It is.
It was.
I loved it.

So I feel sad
And full of woe
I am going to miss
My Ro.


From The Huffington Post. R.I.P.

My throat still hurts but I had to get up early to take Adam to the oral surgeon to have his wisdom teeth dressings removed and make sure things were healing properly (other than some lingering soreness, he seems to be fine). The oral surgeon suggested that he stick with liquid foods since his mouth still hurts, so we came home, woke up Daniel, and went to La Madeleine for their awesome tomato soup. Adam's girlfriend is taking the required county health class and stopped by on the way home for a couple of hours while I was writing and doing laundry.

We had more soup for dinner -- cheddar this time -- then watched Queen Victoria's Empire on PBS, which had some horrifying background on Cecil Rhodes that I had never heard before -- the last time I formally studied African history was in seventh grade, when in terms of the curriculum the British could do little wrong -- and an episode of Relic Hunter that wasn't much more ethnically enlightened. At least Colbert has just made me choke with laughter about Pixar's gay agenda. Here are some photos from the Maryland Science Center during Sailabration:

Some of the best views of the Star-Spangled Sailabration were from the upper floor of the Science Center...

...which is also home to animals that live in the harbor and the Chesapeake Bay.

Here for instance is one of the endangered diamondback terrapins, used by the University of Maryland as its mascot.

And here is Adam taking a photo of one of the bay crabs.

I loved seeing tall ships ringing the inner harbor...

...and the view of dinosaurs threatening to eat tall ships.

Out front, kids were making soap bubbles...

...and people sat on the steps watching the ships.

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