Saturday, September 28, 2013

Poem for Saturday, Canal, Let He Who Is Without Sin...

Pavilion of Leaves
By Matthew Rohrer

Central Park in a
pavilion of leaves
with extra sauce
for midday
is only a snack
and a photograph
of cold cherries
like a young woman's
legs softly peeling
after burning
a pennywhistle
in the distance
with the piping children's
voices which are
distant peace
in a breeze
two white butterflies
trying so hard


It was a pretty quiet Friday around here. I spent the morning writing a review of Deep Space Nine's atrocious "Let He Who Is Without Sin...", which I had to watch early since I got home too late to do it Thursday night. Adam had a half-day of school for some teachers' meeting but had cross country practice, so I took a walk early (too early for bunnies though many chipmunks were running around), then drove Adam to the boys' cross country team poker game at one of the kids' houses.

While he was playing poker and eating pizza, we had dinner with my parents, then went to pick Adam up though he asked us to come late because one of his friends was doing well and didn't want to have to forfeit the chance to win it all. We came home and caught up on the Nashville we missed to watch the season finale of Broadchurch (which was decent but not great), then the first episode of Endeavour which we had never seen (pretty great). Some pictures from the C&O Canal and Potomac River early last month:

1 comment:

  1. Not my tent, in fact I'm not even sure it's legal to camp on the Potomac River islands (it's all protected though you can canoe through here so I suppose you can walk on them). But it does look so peaceful!
