Sunday, April 06, 2014

Poem for Sunday and Captain America: The Winter Soldier

By Walt Whitman

Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,
All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,
Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,
Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love,
A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,
Chair’d in the adamant of Time.


I spent most of Saturday doing fun stuff, by which I mean having an early lunch, then going to meet a bunch of fannish friends to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Adam came with us to the movies, though a friend picked him up directly from there so he could go shopping, have dinner, and see Urinetown at his high school). The rest of us went to Uncle Julio's for an early dinner, and I got to catch up with Heather, Angela, Sharkie, and several other people over Mexican food and It'Sugar!

I loved the movie -- I thought it was better paced and in some ways better directed than the first one, and I was pleasantly surprised by how good the women's roles are -- though I am completely unfamiliar with the comics so I have no strong opinions on some of the story developments for the Avengers franchise. Very enjoyable performances, fairly tight scripting (Natasha is really well-written and deserves her own movie), a bit more disaster porn than I prefer but nowhere near as bad as Man of Steel or even The Avengers.

Congratulations UConn and Kentucky; since my one bet was on Florida and I generally root for Wisconsin since my sister went there, I no longer care who wins the men's NCAA tournament. Among the women, however...Go Lady Terps!

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