Friday, June 06, 2014

Poem for Friday, National Zoo Cats, Les Mis

Compassion IV
By Noelle Kocot

The human realities of the living are now
As close to me as my own--oh, see how
Dusty that plant gets when you don't clean
It! The rippling day is a fabulous lesson,
My pants are too loose, and yet. Bon nuit,
Mes chéries! All over the whole neighbor-
Hood, your fluid legs move--you are all
Permission and flounce, and your stockings
Catch in the mere light. Perfection, wholeness
Is what I see now in everyone I touch. That
Day when two men came in from the stream,
Wet, bothered, the windows were blackened,
And the cats ran around. Rain came, but
Also sunlight, and the years of hard living
Dissolved. A blanket of verbs crosses the
Threshold. Poetry, you are mine, and I will
Go anywhere with you. A gap in the mind,
A spangled street, my spine, perfectly erect now,
Chooses these words, yet it as if I have no choice.


Cheryl and I are watching Les Miserables (yes, the 2012 film, go lecture someone who did not see the Wilkinson-Mann-Graff cast in its pre-Broadway run at the Kennedy Center about why I should prefer the Boe-Lewis-Salonga concert) because it is the anniversary of the June Rebellion tonight. So I will keep this brief.

The major events of my day: computer work, post office, CVS, chipmunk on the deck driving the cats crazy, walk sightings including three bunnies and one deer, being nauseous from the news so avoiding the news (third time this week), getting advice from son about where to get British chocolate in Delaware. National Zoo great cats last month:

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