Friday, August 10, 2018

Poem for Friday and Golden Gardens Park

From Epipsychidion
By Percy Bysshe Shelley

A ship is floating in the harbour now,
A wind is hovering o'er the mountain's brow;
There is a path on the sea's azure floor,
No keel has ever plough'd that path before;
The halcyons brood around the foamless isles;
The treacherous Ocean has forsworn its wiles;
The merry mariners are bold and free:
Say, my heart's sister, wilt thou sail with me?


The dehumidifier is making the upstairs of our house extremely warm, so after a morning of chores I really had to get out of the house. I met friends for Registeel raids near Rockville Pike, then since I was in the area I went to Bagel City and Pier One, which has a lot of its summer nautical plates and decor on sale as they get their fall items in stock, like the seahorse tray I got for $11.

DC football's preseason started Thursday night, but after a quarter, Paul was more in the mood to watch the first Mission: Impossible movie after having seen the later ones. I think I completely missed it before -- I vaguely remembered the second movie, but I would remember the aquarium restaurant if I'd ever seen it. A sunny day at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle last month:









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