Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Poem for Wednesday, Mission: Impossible 3, Rain and Rainbow

A Panphonic Poem for Mission: Impossible 3
By Neal Whitman

The pleasure of Shawn's company
Is what I most enjoy.
He put a tack on Ms. Yancey's chair
When she called him a horrible boy.
At the end of the month he was flinging two kittens
Across the width of the room.
I count on his schemes to show me a way now
Of getting away from my gloom.


Yeah, not really my sort of poetry, but Roberto Orci asked the linguist who wrote it for a poem containing all the allophones of all the phonemes in English to use to make Ethan Hunt's voice sound like Owen Davian's.

My Tuesday morning was boring house stuff, so I will skip straight to late afternoon when we went to meet Karen and Jim, Angela, and Carrie for dinner at Lebanese Taverna. I haven't seen any of them all summer thus far due to our various home disasters and sporadic family visits, so it was nice just to hang out! On the way home we stopped at Target to pick up the Avengers: Infinity War Blu-Ray.

When we got home, we watched Mission: Impossible III, figuring that since we've seen all the others we should watch that one too. It held my interest better than M:I II, but everything about the romance feels contrived and I'm glad I know from Fallout how it ends. It did not rain for most of the day, but when it did, it turned very dark outside and poured, then we got a spectacular rainbow as we were leaving for dinner:

2018-08-13 12.38.10

2018-08-13 12.38.06

2018-08-13 17.15.16

2018-08-14 17.18.45

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