Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Greetings from Brittany

Major internet issues so sadly just a few photos from a glorious day that began with an early visit to Mont Saint-Michel just as the abbey opened, meaning we got to walk on the ramparts and climb the many, many steps to the upper levels of the city. Though there were many tourists, none of the rooms was crowded and it was nice and cool overlooking the water! We picked up sandwiches before leaving, and when we saw the lines for the buses back to the mainland, we decided to go in a horse-drawn carriage instead, which is a really lovely way to see the sheep and seaside on the way to the town.

Then we drove to Carnac, stopping to picnic on the way. We walked among some of the many megaliths and tried to decide which museums to visit, then realized that if we took the little train that goes around the city with stops at the beach and the pretty seaside town as well as the salt marshes and port, all while getting a narration about the history of the area. We got a pretty comprehensive look at the menhirs and dolmens and it was very nice not to walk several more kilometers after several days on our feet!

In the late afternoon, we drove to the Auberge du Petit Matelot on the Atlantic near Quiberon, walked along the shore, saw a bunny and many sea creatures, and had dinner outside while watching the sunset at Creperie avel mor. More photos when I can upload them!





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