Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lyrics for Tuesday and Mediaeval Baebes Concert

Erthe Upon Erthe
By Ruth Galloway

Erthe out of erthe is wonderly wroghte
Erthe hase geten one erthe a dignite of noghte
Erthe upon erthe hase sett alle his thoghte
How that erthe upon erthe may be heghe broghte

Erthe upon erthe wolde be a kinge
Bot how erthe to erthe shall thinkes he no thinge
When erthe bredes erthe and his rentes home bringe
Thane shall erthe of erthe have full harde parting

Memento, homo, quad cinis es
Et in cenerem reverentis

Erthe upon erthe winnes castells and towrres
Thane sayse erthe unto erthe, "This es al ourres"
When erthe upon erthe has bigged up his barres
Thane shall erthe for erthe suffere sharpe scowrres

Memento, homo, quad cinis es
Et in cenerem reverentis

Erthe goes upon erthe as molde upon molde
He that gose upon erthe, gleterande as golde
Like erthe never more go to erthe sholde
And yitt shall erthe unto erthe ga rathere than he wolde

Whye erthe lurves erthe, wondere me thinke
Or why erthe for erthe sholde other swete or swinke
For when erthe upon erthe has broughte within brinke
Thane shall erthe of erthe have a foul stinke

Memento, homo, quad cinis es
Et in cenerem reverentis


We may have missed the Maryland Renaissance Festival because of rain on Sunday, but we ended up not missing the Mediaeval Baebes' visit to the area because Paul got us tickets to see them at the Institute of Musical Traditions concert at Saint Mark's Church ten minutes from our house! They did two sets in a place with much better acoustics than the outdoor faire stage, the place was packed -- I think Victoria made them more famous in America than they had been -- and we ran into Angela, Lena, Jack, and several of their friends there so that was lots of fun! My day was otherwise not exciting -- it rained from dawn till dusk again with periods where it was merely drizzle and periods where it was coming down hard, I did a bunch of chores, tried to walk in the park but it was too muddy for me to keep it up for long. So have some photos from the concert!

2018-09-24 20.18.04

2018-09-24 19.05.48

2018-09-24 19.07.18

2018-09-24 21.32.51

2018-09-24 21.36.09

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