Thursday, October 25, 2018

Poem for Thursday and Lazy Cats

She sights a Bird - she chuckles -
By Emily Dickinson

She sights a Bird - she chuckles -
She flattens - then she crawls -
She runs without the look of feet -
Her eyes increase to Balls -

Her Jaws stir - twitching - hungry -
Her Teeth can hardly stand -
She leaps, but Robin leaped the first -
Ah, Pussy, of the Sand,

The Hopes so juicy ripening -
You almost bathed your Tongue -
When Bliss disclosed a hundred Toes -
And fled with every one -


Did a bunch of chores, took advantage of a couple of sales, then Paul came home early and we went to the viewing for the father of a friend of ours, who had been ill for a long time but was only in his early 60s, so it was a very sad event.

Then we came home, had a late dinner, and watched the World Series while taking advantage of Shutterfly's one-day sale on a bunch of photo gifts. Because it's all I have energy for at the moment, some photos of my cats enjoying the heat coming on:

2018-09-20 00.56.33

2018-10-21 22.31.25

2018-10-01 21.48.13

2018-10-04 10.21.45

2018-10-18 18.10.13

2018-09-26 21.23.19

2018-10-19 11.40.58

2018-10-08 22.04.57

2018-10-08 22.04.46

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