Saturday, November 17, 2018

Poem for Saturday and Brookside Pre-Christmas

Accepting Heaven at Great Basin
By Nathalie Handal

When you doubt the world
look at the undivided darkness

look at Wheeler Peak
cliffs like suspended prayers

contemplate the cerulean
the gleaming limestone

the frozen shades
the wildflowers

look at the bristlecone pine
a labyrinth to winding wonders

listen to the caves
sing silently

remember the smell of sagebrush
after a thunderstorm

that Lexington Arch
is a bridge of questions

in the solitude of dreams
that here

distances disturb desire
to deliver a collision of breaths

the desert echoes
in this dark night sky

stars reveal the way
a heart can light a world.


I had a nice Friday in gorgeous weather after the Thursday snow. Alice came over after a nearby appointment, then Maddy came and met us and we went to the Silver Diner for brunch (I had eggs benedict, of course). Then we wandered around World Market since it was right there and took Maddy home, so I have finally seen her new house -- and two pets, though only one of the roommates was around. It was so gorgeous that I went to the park in the late afternoon, came home and swept wet leaves and remaining snow off the deck.

We had dinner with my parents while our kids had dinner in Seattle with friends from here who have moved out there. Came home in time for Blindspot (thank you Kurt for finally getting a clue), after which we watched Carriers, which I had expected to be more like Contagion and less like, well, a post-apocalyptic hellscape; Chris Pine was very good in it but wow is that a dark movie (and I own it, freebie for linking UV accounts). Here's a happier thing, preparations for the winter holidays at Brookside Gardens:







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