Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Poem for Wednesday and Countryside Artisans

Dear Melissa—
By TC Tolbert

a curve billed thrasher
is cleaning its beak on the ground—
we are closer now than ever—sitting
in shadow—I never want to scare
anyone—not really—I have a friend
who loves people who come out
suddenly—in the dark—
is the same distance as pain from here—
that’s my skin on your sweater—both hands
stripped now—I know I am someone
to you I am entirely—practicing
Spanish on the computer—gesturing to
the neighbor instead of speaking—
                                  to sharpen
the body is never an accident—someone
I know I am not—letters are inseparable
from loss—moving what can be still
moved—one is sweeping the mouth—
what ever isn’t skin—take it off—


It was an overcast, chilly Tuesday that felt like a winter day, and I felt draggy all morning, like I hadn't quite woken up. I worked on holiday cards and cleaned up a bunch of stuff looking for some art prints we bought in October, then forgot about till we visited the same artist's studio over this weekend. I was going to go to AC Moore to get frames for them, but then I got two phone calls and ended up talking in the parking lot at the mall and never got frames. Paul made jacket potatoes with cheese, sour cream, and fake bacon for dinner, which were awesome.

After dinner we watched The Flash's 100th episode, which involved a lot of time travel and was thus nostalgic and enjoyable, then we watched Black Lightning, where I love the central characters but the story is getting kind of convoluted. Then we caught up on this week's Supergirl and I have to admit I was totally fine with the thought that Manchester might kill Agent Liberty (really I thought he would, and then Liberty would come back somehow with supervillain powers). Here are a few more Countryside Artisans photos, including Something Earthy's animals and Dancing Leaf's yarn:

2018-12-02 14.58.22-2

2018-12-02 15.03.39

2018-12-02 15.03.27

2018-12-02 14.27.43

2018-12-02 14.29.38

2018-12-02 15.50.00

2018-12-02 15.56.17

2018-12-02 16.00.39

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